Weekend Reading: November 7, 2015

Good morning, and happy weekend!  Here is the weekend reading – the most interesting articles, movies, songs, and more from the past week.

Well there was an election this past Tuesday, and overall it was very good for Republicans. Kentucky elected a Republican Governor, and in Virginia Republicans kept control of the state senate. In Ohio, destructive issue three (legalizing pot) was soundly rejected by voters.

Speaking of KY, Denny Burk posted this video from Southern Seminary that features Guv-elect Matt Bevin speaking to the chapel about his teen daughter who died in a car accident, but had a real heart for Christian missions. I didn’t know this story, so it was pretty eye-opening.

On a sad note, Fred Thompson passed away this last week. He was a great politician, and probably an even better actor. Here’s a compilation of his best TV moments! (heads up: there’s a decent amount of southern drawl laced profanity)

While we’re on movies, the Japanese version of the latest Star Wars trailer was released this week. I was tempted to have that running side by side with this classic… 

BEST VIDEO OF THE WEEK: The read the scriptures series released their latest video on the book of Job.  These are really neat videos that combine great theology with great artistry.

This coming week there will be another GOP debate, this time with Fox Business Channel. If you missed the last one, you can read the RNC chairman’s summary in his thoughtful letter to NBC……… 

And I stumbled across this article that a friend had sent a few weeks back, and can’t recall ever sharing it. It’s titled, ‘My Journey Away from Contemporary Worship Music’. There’s some interesting points he makes here that are worth sifting through.  (h/t Mary S.)

Okay, this is just funny. Tim Challies has been putting together these ‘quizes’ for a few years now, but normally they’re titled something like ‘quiz on Biblical theology’ or ‘quiz on the Old Testament’ and stuff like that. But this one is hilarious…I scored really bad!

Okay, I’m just going to sum up some of the bad news from the week in one boring paragraph: TSA still really really sucks, the debt limit was lifted and in one day the debt jumped almost 400 BILLION DOLLARS…that’s a lot a cheddar.  You may have noticed that oil prices keep falling, but that doesn’t seem to match up in any coherent way with the price at the pump, this story tells you why. And there was a long form article in the Wall Street Journal about common core – mostly about how its implementation is very costly – and I thought it was a pretty fair, and informative piece.

You know, if you’re like me, you want to memorize more Scripture but its hard. I really struggle to remember all the right words and get everything in the right order. This guy Chris blogs about how he goes about it. His slogan might as well be ‘repetition, repetition, repetition.’ Still, I thought some of his ideas were worth thinking about implementing.

I spent most of my week in Montana (beautiful country!) and spent some time with a guy named Greg Gianforte, who is exploring a bid for Guv of that state. He has an amazing story you might want to check out. Here’s his latest book, here’s his Ted talk.

Finally, a chuckle, a new study finds ‘Controlled Washington, D.C. Wildfires Crucial For Restoring Healthy Political Environment’. 

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